Personal Security


Non-Lethal Weapons: any device that assists you to escape or to deter a threat to your person or property without endangering the life of your assailant. A good pair of tennis shoes should be considered first. Wear these when walking in dark, isolated, or hazardous areas such as crossing a parking lot late at night. They will help you engage your firstline of defense - fast feet. A loud scream is probably the next best, and will deter many different types of attacks. An option would be to carry a whistle around your neck. Blow this when threatened. There is also a commercial “shriek” on the market that fits in a purse or pocket, and screams at the touch of a button. For high crime areas, carry a pocket tape recorder with a simulated police radio message indicating that help is on the way. During hours of darkness, have a security flashlight (with high intensity beam) to shine in the eyes of an attacker. Day or night, keep a tear gas spray-can in your purse or pocket. Do not use or reveal it until your assailant is within 8 feet of you. Spray the eyes to cause temporary blindness. Walk or travel with a mean looking dog. Carry a small sack of BB’s or marbles to throw in the path of your attacker. In some areas, you can purchase “instant bananas” or canned barb wire used by the police and military for riot control. The first creates an immediate slick surface barrier when water is added, and the latter a fine barb wire barrier. There are many exotic non-lethal weapons; e.g. the electric shocking Taser pistol and passive devices such as soft body armor. Holding up a fake leprous-looking hand, and warning the attacker of your communicable disease is an example of deception device. This is yet another aspect of the total non-lethal concept that is limited only by imagination and acting ability. Check your local laws to determine what nonlethal weapons you can or cannot carry. Remember that these weapons are all designed to buy you a few seconds’ time to consider and employ other defensive measures. They are not a total solution. Non-lethal weapons offer temporary protection when you are exposed in a street-type environment. Escape is the immediate objective when you lack the lethal means to force the attacker to stop. This brings us back to fast feet equipped with tennis shoes.