Hazardous Area Safety and Survival



Self-help and redevelopment training may be effectively delivered, to high threat areas, using Radio Schools. This unique technique allows for remote, safe location of the best translators, technicians, and programmers. At such a secure facility, radio broadcasts are prepared on the subjects most needed by various populations being assisted. On the village or urban sector level, local (indigenous) radio school organizers are recruited & trained to supervise assorted radio school classes (formed by location or subject of interest).

Each organizer is given a radio to receive specific broadcasts on schedule. In areas where power is not reliable, radios selected should operate without power or be powered using a hand-crank generator. The radio school organizers are also given satellite-type text-messaging pagers to send messages and progress reports to Radio School broadcast managers. As may be necessary, radios may be installed in concealment devices as needed to help provide added security for radio school organizers.
In very high threat areas, radio school organizers may be given training in class security, personal protection, survival, and escape.  These added training requirements should be given in advance as needed to protect against attacks, on radio school organizers, by local terrorists or insurgents.

N.B. One of the best Radio Schools was Radio Puno (in Puno, Peru), used in the mid-l960s to broadcast to Quechua tribal groups during a period of insurgency. Radio Puno is credited with helping motivate the Quechua to end all support for the insurgents.