Common Names: Sunflower, Sun Plant, Kansas Sunflower.
Scientific Names: HelIanthus annuus
When to Find: Summer or fall.
Where to Find: North and South America.
Parts Used: Seeds, flower buds, stalks, leaves.
Preparation: Press seeds to obtain oil used for cooking, burning, or soap-making. Boil flower buds to eat. Grind dried seeds to make bread flour. Undried smashed seeds make a good mush. Strip stalks of fiber to make cloth or cord. Eat one teaspoonful of dried ground leaves to clear congested lungs. Use dried stalks as fuel.
Storage: Place oil in a sealed container. Store flour in an airtight container. Ditto for dry leaves.
Identification: Plants may be from 3 to 10 feet high. Large yellow flower has 1-2 inch diameter brown or purple disk in the center. Alternate ovate leaves have toothed margins.