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Organizational Profile


12 June 2003

EIN 85-0433956

Name: Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI) - "Seeking Security For All"

Address: c/o P.O. 1595, Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74465 USA

Contact: David A. Nuttle, Pres. & CEO Tel. 1-918-868-5710 FAX 1-918-868-5709

Status: Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) social entrepreneurial charity founded in New Mexico, USA on June 12 1995. (Also registered and certified in Oklahoma.)

Mission/ Purpose: NPI assists the poor and disadvantaged, worldwide, without discrimination, by the research, development, demonstration, teaching, and commercialization of unique self-help, self-sufficiency technologies. Subject technologies are also designed to conserve resources and help protect the environment --while benefiting the public.

History: David A. Nuttle, NPI’s founder, was previously engaged in the conduct of stated mission objectives in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as the U.S. Eight years ago, Nuttle founded NPI to create an appropriate organization to help achieve this mission. Nuttle’s prior work included his invention of 63 very unique self-help, self-sufficiency technologies ---inventions that were used to form the technical basis for NPI’s efforts. A few significant accomplishments, for NPI, have included creation of a self-help research, development, and training center in Oklahoma. NPI’s Latin Division, ACA, was started. In Russia, a large community food security project, known as the Self-Sufficiency Village has been started. Very detailed planning efforts have been undertaken in support of an “innovative” food production-type social enterprise in Egypt. (Recent and current projects are listed on NPI’s website.)

Financial Support: Grant funding in the amount of $870,000 was received, by Nuttle, in support of the research on subject self-help technologies. These grant funds were received from the U.S. Dept. of Energy, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, National Science Foundation, N. Carolina Biotechnology Center, the inventor, and many others. A grant of some $125,000 from the McCune Foundation was used for a community project for the Tiwa Indians of Taos Pueblo. Over $1 million was received from direct or indirect royalty income NPI derived from the license of its proprietary technologies ---- the patented technologies donated by Nuttle. After the very horrific terrorist attacks of 09/11/01, NPI had several anticipated federal grants cancelled. As a result, NPI is now focusing on use of its own proprietary technologies to create “spin-off” profit (for-profit) social enterprises. These enterprises will generate royalty income, for NPI, from sales of unique products licensed from NPI. Some continued support is anticipated in the form of foundation grants, and individual donations, but royalty income will be the primary source of income.

Current Programs: Present activities are focused on 1) Community food security; 2) Biosecurity; 3) Health and telemedicine; 4) Microenterprise development; 5) Grameen banking (micro-loans); 6) Alternative (renewable) energy; 7) “Zero net energy” housing; 8) Homeland security; and 9) Technology licensing to various social enterprises. (All programs are designed to assist in meeting NPI’s above stated mission.)

Volunteer Staff: David A. Nuttle, President, and the other volunteer staff members have 89 years of collective experience in creating, implementing, and managing programs to assist the poor. (Other names and positions are not given for reasons of security.)

Issues Addressed: Deterioration of families and communities, children at risk, lack of security, poor health, poverty, waste of resources, degradation of the environment, and specific causes for population disadvantage(s).

Context: National and international, generally among the poorest of the poor --estimated, by the United Nations, to be not less than 1.3 billion people.

Geography, Strategies & Timing: Pilot models are created during the first project year, and then replicates are used in the second year to validate results. By the third year, distance learning projects are used to teach the poor in the self-help, self-sufficiency technologies developed.

Specific Activity: Each project contains educational, scientific, and charitable elements as adjusted to meet particular program goals.

Demographics: Projects focus on disadvantaged communities, and the poorest of the poor, when and where they are found, regardless of any other factors.

Coop Groups: NPI has no parent organization, and is responsible for its own operations. For any one project, NPI may cooperate with other charities, for-profit corporations, labs, national labs, universities, government agencies, and others as may be needed to fully accomplish established objectives. The social enterprises, created by NPI, are organized as independent for-profit corporations. In exchange for “agreed” annual royalty payments, NPI provides these corporations with use of its “proprietary” technologies ---- and NPI also provides necessary technical support. NPI’s various divisions are all a part of NPI, and not considered as cooperating (coop) groups.

IRS Approval: IRS approved NPI’s 501(c)(3) status on 14 Nov 1995, and again on 06 Aug 1999.

Good Standing: Upon request, NPI will provide letters of registration, authority, and good standing for states or other appropriate governmental authorities.

Project Details & Budgets: To sustain competitive advantage(s), project details & budgets are not given in documents available to the public. Such details are provided based upon actual need for the information, and the signing of a secrecy agreement. For purposes of meeting public reporting requirements, general project funding & expenditures are reported in NPI’s annual Form 990. (A total of less than 10 percent of budgets will be expended for administrative expenses.)

Project Funds: Each project will have funding from one or more donors, with some match of funds from NPI. In the case of social enterprises, funds will generally come from the private sale of stock in the for-profit corporations created.

Media Reviews: Several magazine articles ---on NPI’s projects-- are available upon request.

Directors: Due to NPI’s homeland security projects --and the resulting terrorist threat--- NPI must take specific actions to provide security for NPI’s Directors. Thus, subject Directors are not being listed in any public documents.