Barter for Freedom

Technology Opportunities Program (TOP)
USDOC Telecommunications & Information Administration
CDFA No. 11.552 (Technology Opportunities)
Grant Application by: Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI)
Funding Opportunity No. 11552-021704 Application Due: 27 April 2004

Project Title: “Barter Trade & Community Development Using Innovative
Budget: $654,000 (for 12 month effort)


I. Project Purpose(s): 1) To develop new, innovative telecommunications and
information technologies providing public information as regards barter trade in support
of rural community development and job creation in the U.S. and overseas. 2) To better
inform charitable organizations regarding needs of the rural poor, worldwide.

II. Needs Addressed: 1) Poor rural areas of the U.S. often lack sufficient job and
income opportunities for residents ---impoverished rural residents totaling nearly
400,000 Americans (USDA data).

2) On a global basis, nearly 1 (one) billion poor rural and tribal populations
live in relative social, economic, and political isolation from the nations in which they
reside. Most of these people have cashless economies, and they generally use barter trade
to obtain basic needs (United Nations and World Bank data).

3) Continued economic isolation, of the world’s rural and tribal poor, is
expected to accelerate an array of problems related to international security, global
health, illegal drug production, the environment, and other issues.

4) To be more effective, charitable and “assistance” organizations need to be
better informed on the urgent needs of those they seek to assist.

III. Innovation(s): 1) NPI is developing a satellite-type of text messaging
system, with extensive language translation support ----- thereby providing the unique
two-way communications needed efficient and economical global barter trade. This
telecommunications technology will facilitate a global network of barter trade centers.
For the demonstration aspect of this project, model barter trading operations will be
started in Oklahoma, Kenya, and Mexico.

2) NPI has developed a series of unique items ---for manufacture as part of
rural cottage industries (located in rural areas of the U.S.)--- to be traded to the rural and
tribal poor located overseas. These items include solar water stills, food production kits,
solar refrigerators, solar ovens, urgently needed by the Third World poor.

3) Lists of available trade goods have been developed, by NPI, to determine
those typical surplus items the Third World poor have to trade --------- with each item
selected on the basis of potential sale in the U.S. Thus, a basis for two-way trade has
been created via barter trade between impoverished rural populations in the U.S. and

4) Previously isolated rural and tribal populations can use NPI’s text-
messaging to make their urgent needs known to those groups with a capability to provide
immediate assistance. Solutions to basic health problems, and other problems, may be
resolved with the instructions on a return text-message.

IV. Community Involvement: The rural and tribal populations, in three
demonstration areas (Oklahoma, Kenya, and Mexico) will make the proposed project
possible. To wit:

1) NPI’s manufacturing and barter trade facilities, in Cherokee County,
Oklahoma, will directly participate in producing and trading basic needs and self-help
products in exchange for items to be sold for cash. Previously unemployed rural and
Cherokee (Native American) populations, from this area, will be employed to assist in the
above efforts.

2) Rural and tribal populations, in Kenya and Mexico, will utilize innovative
telecommunications means (herein described) to conduct barter trades to meet needs, and
otherwise make their urgent needs known. (These peoples determine their own needs,
identify trade items, and create barter trades for their own benefit.)

V. Project Feasibility: In many areas of the world, barter trade has long been,
and still is, a viable means to access markets. To enhance this activity, efficient and very
economical forms of telecommunications provide the basis for creating more trading
partners, and more trades. This project will perfect and demonstrate such form(s) of
communications, while establishing that the proposed effort is most feasible.

VI. Anticipated Inputs: A TOP cash grant of $327,000 ---plus NPI’s in-kind
(technology) contribution of $327,000--- are anticipated.

VII. Anticipated Accomplishments: Subject project is expected to fully
demonstrate that innovative telecommunications can provide the basis for global rural-
area to rural-area barter trade. Moreover, the barter trade will show a new way to
develop communities, create jobs, and improve self-sufficiency as well as well being.
Solar water stills will provide potable water, and reduce death rates caused from prior
drinking of polluted water. Food production kits will increase levels of nutrition. Solar
refrigerators will reduce food spoilage. A solar oven will help to reduce indoor air
pollution previously caused by indoor burning of dried manure or brush (the typical fuel
for many poor villagers).

VIII. Anticipated Project Impact(s): In brief, 21 jobs should be created, and an
estimated 30 lives saved. Export volume will be increased by U.S. 7 million annually by
the end of the second year. Charities, and other groups such as the United Nations, will
be better able to identify the immediate needs of the rural and tribal poor. The alienation
of previously isolated populations will be reduced, and international security thereby
improved in the project areas.

IX. Project Evaluation: Under the direction of Janie Simms Hipp, J.D.,
LL.M., the University of Arkansas will conduct an independent evaluation of subject
project and the results produced.

X. Homeland Security Features: Impoverished, isolated rural/ tribal
populations are often angry or disaffected with established authorities, and terrorist
groups (such as al-Qaeda) take advantage of this situation. The terrorists and many
narcoterrorists have helped to convince these populations that the U.S. is somehow
responsible for their poverty. As a result, these poor populations now provide the
“seedbed” for the next generation of terrorists and narcoterrorists. Subject project will
help to develop communications with the rural and tribal poor, and act to help remove
their burden of poverty. During this process, attitudes toward the U.S. will become more
favorable ---and the threat of future terrorism will be reduced.

XI. Work Plan: NPI’s proposed work plan is as follows ---

1) Develop and perfect a satellite-based, multiple-language, text-
messaging system operated by alternative power means to facilitate global barter trade.

2) Establish product production and delivery capabilities to provide the
self-help items urgently needed by Third World villagers (the rural and tribal poor) ---and
assist these populations in the production/ preparation and delivery of trade items needed
to pay (barter) for the above.

3) Create a model, easily replicable, barter trade system with trading
posts in Oklahoma, Kenya, and Mexico. Perfect and demonstrate this trading technique
using the herein described innovative telecommunications.

4) Start an information program, using the internet, designed to quickly
inform the United Nations, the U.S. Agency for Intl. Development (USAID), plus a wide
array of charities, of the urgent needs of the rural/ tribal poor. As appropriate make very
specific requests for assistance.

5) Prepare to replicate and expand the proven telecommunications
means to help solve a wide assortment of global health issues and other matters that may
resolved for the target populations (the rural and tribal poor).

XII. Budget: See Form 424A shown with NPI’s grant application.

XIII. Budget Narrative: Isolated, impoverished rural/ tribal populations
typically have little or no access to electrical power, telephones, or computers. Satellite
phones and computers are expensive, and the cost of use is prohibitive for the poor.
Language barriers continue to be a problem that impedes two-way communications over
any distance. At present there are no cost effective solutions to the above problems, and
finding such solutions is the major purpose of the proposed project.

The major cost of this project will be the costs associated developing
and perfecting a satellite-based, test-messaging system with rapid multiple language
capabilities. In addition, there is a cost for development of a “burst” transmission means
(with communications security features), to greatly reduce user satellite time and thereby
minimize user costs while increasing information security. The development of such a
telecommunications technique will save billions of dollars in long-term communications
costs for isolated populations.

NPI has already expended over $650,000 to research, develop, and
perfect the innovative products needed to help meet the basic needs of poor Third World
populations. This work provided the first step toward the barter trade effort now being
proposed. In addition, NPI’s staff has worked in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the
Middle East, to inventory surplus items the Third World poor might use in an expanded,
global barter trading system. Now, the final step is to develop and perfect a secure, very
efficient, and cost effective means of telecommunications needed to facilitate the barter
trading operation, worldwide.

To perfect barter trade, and also establish an information system to help
meet the needs of the rural/ tribal poor, it is necessary to create a test model. The barter
model to be created ---for Oklahoma, Kenya, and Mexico--- is necessary to establish the
actual capabilities, costs, and results of the innovative telecommunications system that
will result from this project.

XIV. In-Kind Match: As indicated above, NPI is providing the technologies
needed to make barter trade effective ----- and these technologies are detailed on NPI’s
website: NPI’s Solar Oven drawing is attached hereto as a
one example for reviewer consideration. The barter trade system to be used is a unique
proprietary system developed by the PI (Nuttle), and owned by NPI (see U.S. Patent
Document No. 543536). In addition, NPI will provide project facilities in the U.S. and
Mexico, at NPI research and training sites. Facilities in Kenya are being provided to NPI
from the Kenyan Inter-Community Development Group. As a conservative estimate,
NPI’s in-kind contributions have a minimum fair market value of not less than $720,000
(exceeding the $327,000 needed for a 1:1 match).

XV. Request for Waiver(s): Under normal circumstances, NPI would delay
the submission of this grant application due to a lack of final contracts related to contract
services needed to perfect telecommunications technology and various foreign language
translation services. NPI does have contract negotiations in progress with prospectivecontractors; e.g.

Insight Research Corporation, ALTA Professional Translations,
and others with telecommunications or language translation skills. We do have specifics
on probable costs for project work, but NPI has no contracts to offer for review at the
present time. Given the fact that NPI’s project indirectly supports the War on Terrorism,
we are asking for a waiver to approve a delay of review for these contracts to the time of
grant award. The second waiver requested is for budget details since these details will
not be known until support contracts are concluded. If these contracts are not acceptable,
or not within budget, NPI would not be awarded the grant. Given the national security
issues concerned, such waivers should be acceptable to all parties concerned. Please
advise your approval of this waiver as soon as possible.

Submitted by: David A. Nuttle, President
Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI)
Tel. 918-868-5710 Email:

(A brief description)

Subject invention is a heavy-duty, dust-proof, waterproof, two-way messaging pager designed to send or receive text (alphanumeric) messages via satellite (using “burst” transmissions of a few seconds each). The satellite network(s) used are redundant to help ensure continuous connectivity by means of route diversity.

This unique pager has encryption and decryption capabilities for security, and has multiple language options to be selected by the user. One of several pre-programmed messages may be quickly selected to reduce response time. The pager operates on a deep-cycle battery recharged by using a small photovoltaic panel to collect solar energy.

Subject pager has a quiet mode, and a beeper mode. The mail system holds 10 messages up to 500 characters each for 96 hours. A scroll system facilitates selection of the message(s) to be read. The memory is 100,000 characters. This pager was designed for long-term global use in a harsh and otherwise difficult environment.

Garbled messages are automatically corrected. The pager is compatible with various wireless networks, even though disconnected. This invention was designed, by NPI, to support its global trade operations. A similar system may be under development to provide communications for special operations units located in remote, isolated areas.


NPI hopes to complete the above invention in six months, and then use the following six months to evaluate communications between NPI’s facilities in Oklahoma (used as a barter trade center), and barter trading posts in remote areas of Kenya and Mexico. All of these sites will be under NPI’s control during the test of said telecommunications, and the evaluation of resulting barter trade transactions. In the event of any delay in technology completion, the evaluation would still occur during the six-month period to follow. Thus, there is a possibility that the total effort could take between 18 to 24 months ---and some additional funding would be required to support efforts in latter months. Upon successful completion of a first test, as indicated, more testing will occur. Additional tests will be with and expanded system having barter trade centers in two or more areas of the U.S., as well as several foreign countries.

Test results may, or may not, be considered classified due to the potential use of this technology by special operations forces. Classification of this technology is not expected to preclude use by NPI for barter trade purposes in assistance of impoverished rural and tribal populations, worldwide.

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Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI)
Barter Trade for Community Development

1. Organization Mission: NPI is engaged in the research, development,
demonstration, and teaching of innovative self-help, self-sufficiency, and homeland security technologies designed to assist poor populations, worldwide, assist themselves.

2. Organization Overview: Current priorities include community food security,
biosecurity, homeland security, alternative energy, carbon sequestration, microenterprise development, barter trade, self-help technology development, “zero net-energy” homes, distance education, and community development.

3. Program Description:
a. Purpose – Barter Trade for Community Development seeks to provide the
means for poor populations, worldwide, to acquire the basic needs for their survival and well being, while assisting in overall community development.
b. Needs – Many of the world’s poor live in political, economic, and social
isolation from the nations in which they reside. Most of these peoples have no cash income, and they must barter to obtain basic needs. The world’s barter economy is poorly developed, and over 800 million people therefore live on the brink-of-starvation (per United Nations & World Bank data).
c. Population Served – Nearly 2 (two) billion people, the impoverished rural and tribal poor, are potential candidates for subject project. In the early stage, NPI has been testing a prototype model to test barter trade between poor rural populations in the U.S., Mexico, and Kenya.
d. Mission Support – Subject project assist NPI in bringing self-help, self-sufficiency technologies to the world’s poor.

4. Program Results:
a. Pre-Project Conditions (Baseline) – Prior to the start of subject project,
nearly 2 (two) billion poor lived in impoverished conditions in an economy that operates
primarily on local barter. Most of these peoples find it difficult to purchase what they need for basic survival. As noted above, 800 million of these people live on the brink of starvation.
b. Current Program Results – A preliminary inventory was completed to
determine the types of items or resources poor populations, worldwide, typically have in surplus that might be barter traded to meet basic needs. It was found that almost every population group has one or more surplus items that could be traded; e.g. Neem seeds used commercially to make organic insecticide. At the same time, NPI developed innovative barter trade items desired by economically isolated poor populations; e.g. a solar water still (for providing potable water). NPI has also developed a solar oven, a solar refrigerator, a simple means of growing nutrient supplements, and other trade goods --- to be manufactured in poor rural areas of the U.S. (to create jobs).
In addition to the above efforts, NPI determined that economic feasibility
for barter trade would be based on the most cost effective form of telecommunications for remote areas lacking most communications options. Existing options failed the cost test.
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Barter Trade for Community Development

Due to the above problem, NPI is working on a heavy-duty, dust-proof, waterproof, two-way messaging pager designed to send or receive text (alphanumeric) messages via satellite (using “burst” transmissions of a few seconds each). These pagers will have encryption and foreign language features, while operating on a deep-cycle battery recharged using a small photovoltaic panel. (A detailed description of this pager is attached.) Work on a cost effective form of remote area communications has delayed further testing of subject barter trade.
c. New Performance – The potential and basis of global barter trade has
been established, and the economical basis for this trade will be based on the cost effective form of communication being developed by NPI. Complete performance evaluation now awaits NPI’s perfection of the above-described pager.
c. Unanticipated Results – Poor populations are often exploited by various
terrorist and narcoterrorist groups. Barter trade offers a way to slowly end such harmful exploitation, and contribute to global security.

5. Program Impact: Barter trade gives isolated rural and tribal populations, and
some poor urban populations, the means to obtain the self-help, self-sufficiency items ---items needed to achieve effective community development and improve population well-being. By producing some barter items in poor rural areas of the U.S., jobs are created and the rural communities prosper. Increased trade reduces U.S. trade deficits. Better communications improves the understanding between cultures, and helps to solve many problems before they can become critical. The negative perception of the U.S., by most poor populations, will gradually improve as barter trade improves the health and economy of Third World peoples. Many exotic barter items will make a very significant contribution to the welfare of Americans; e.g. a root-extract (from an African tribe) that is an excellent natural antibiotic.

6. Potential as a Model: Subject project establishes a new type of barter trade that may be easily replicated and used by others to assist the world’s poor ---and in so doing global health, security, and many other issues may be resolved. NPI’s innovative and critical telecommunication system may be used to support distance education and other efforts for the poorest of the poor, worldwide. With nearly 2 (two) billion people in need of all types of help, there is an unlimited opportunity for those who use NPI’s model.

7. Additional Background: David A. Nuttle, NPI’s founder and President, is the
inventor of Authenticated Barter Trade (A-Trade), U.S. Patent Disclosure Document No. 474849 providing the basis for subject project. Nuttle’s prior work in the rural areas of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the U.S. enabled him to create a series of strategic alliances to research and perfect the basis for barter trade. NPI has requested a TOP grant of $327,000 to fully perfect subject project and undertake full evaluation of barter trade potential using NPI’s new telecommunications system (see the attached TOP application). In addition, NPI is requesting a $290,000 grant, from the U.S. Dept. of Commerce Economic Development Administration, to expand said barter trade efforts.

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Barter Trade for Community Development

8. Statement by Leadership: The United Nations, World Bank, U.S. Agency for
Intl. Development (USAID), and similar “aid” organizations have donated billions of dollars to help the poor. However, most of these funds have gone to those with political power, and the poor have benefited little. Barter trade is used to directly provide the poor with the things they need to help themselves while participating in the global economy. By helping to end discrimination against the poor, barter trade will quickly end health, security, starvation, low productivity, and many other problems associated with global poverty on a massive scale. The problems are massive, but they can be resolved by the addition of one barter trade center at a time (“a journey of 10,000 miles begins with your first step”).

9. Budget: As heretofore indicated, the next phase of subject project will test barter
trade using NPI’s new telecommunications system ---and increase the capability for U.S. manufacture of self-help, self-sufficiency items needed for barter trade. TOP is expected to provide $327,000 and DOC should contribute $290,000 ---with NPI providing a match of $617,000 for a total budget of $1,234,000. The Drucker Award of $25,000 (if granted) will be used to pay for third party evaluation of subject efforts. All of these funds directly contribute to establishing the validity of subject project as regards effective community development for poor populations, worldwide.